Sunday, May 15, 2011

Henry Feeds the Dog

I had a minute of free time during Henry's nap today and thought you'd enjoy seeing this video I took a couple of weeks ago.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

So much to catch up's been a while, I know. Kyle, Henry and I have had a busy month, which will hopefully serve as a good excuse for being an absent blogger lately. In April, we had visits from our good friend, Brianna, and Kyle's parents joined us for Easter. We had a great time! We headed back to Kentucky for the last week of April and were able to visit with friends and family. I was especially excited to meet my friend, Alison's, sweet twin girls, MK and Jane, and to celebrate Ryan Roeding's first birthday, as well as celebrate my grandmother's life with my family. Henry was thrilled to be able to see his Aunt Kristen and Uncles Jonathan and Clay, as well as be spoiled seeing his great-grandmothers. It was a great visit!

My grandmother, Charlotte, passed away at age 95 on Good Friday. I'm so happy that she was able to meet Henry. We celebrated her life by playing Bingo the night of her funeral. Clearly, no one inherited her skills - nobody won! But we did have a great time together remembering what a great lady she was.

Henry with "Bia" aka Brianna. She picked a crazy weekend to join us. Henry had the stomach flu, tornados were rampant in our area and she left with the stomach bug. Regardless of the disaster of a weekend, we had such a good time together. Brianna is a great friend!

Meet Stella! It's hard to see her with that giant flower headband. I wonder who bought that for her...I did! Callie (Stella's beautiful mommy in the picture) told me that she'd put the headband on her if I bought one. I couldn't resist!

Henry participated in a couple of Easter Egg hunts, including one put together by his sweet MiMi. He even had an Elmo Easter Basket. He loved hunting for eggs with the help of his Daddy, G-Daddy and MiMi.

The empty Elmo basket soon became full. Henry LOVES Reese cups!