Sunday, August 16, 2009

OPA! Celebrating Life Before Becoming "Mom"

On Tuesday, I will officially leave my twenties and start a new decade. Kind of fitting, considering Kyle and I will start a new era of our own soon. On Saturday night, Kyle and I went out with some friends to celebrate my birthday, as well as a couple of other good friends who turn 30 in August. We went to dinner at Taverna Plaka - a Greek restaurant where yelling "Opa!" and belly dancing is just part of the total exprience. Another part of the experience is for the birthday girls to dance on the table while everyone sings "Happy Birthday" to them. My good friends know that historically I've enjoyed the attention and wouldn't have hesistated to hop on that table to be serenaded. At 8.5 months pregnant, however, I wasn't sure it was a good idea. But, my good friend, Brianna convinced me to get up on that table. At first I felt kind of silly, but am really glad that I joined in on the celebration. With a watchful eye and hand on my back, Kyle made sure there were some pictures to commemorate the last weekend in my twenties, and the last birthday before becoming "mom".
Thanks to everyone who came out to celebrate - especially the girls that shared their birthday celebration!

With Brianna...on the table...

James doing his table dance. He always provides us with great entertainment.

Good friends...James, me, Kyle and Brianna.

With Kyle, who has made this birthday super special. I am fortunate to have such a wonderful husband.

With the other birthday girls....Heidi, Brianna, me and Melissa. I'm also fortunate to have their friendship. Next year, ladies, the celebration is ON...until Baby Long needs to go down for bed. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Erin! I saw your blog on your facebook page! I love seeing pictures of you pregnant and just what you've been up to! You look great! I bet you're getting ready, I know the end is a little hard. Well, great seeing your blog, I'll have to check it for pictures of "baby boy Long" pretty soon!!!!!
