Monday, February 22, 2010

Henry's Unhappy Face

Lately, Henry's been giving me lip when he's upset about something. Watch closely. He flashes the bottom lip pretty fast.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Baby Gourmet

On Friday, Kyle and I broke out the high chair and fed Henry his first meal - Rice Cereal mixed with formula. I'm sure it was pretty fantastic.

Checking out the high chair. Thanks, Memaw, for getting the high chair for us.
One of his first bites. More went on his bib and chin than in his mouth.
He likes it!
After a much-needed bath. We aren't sure how much rice cereal Henry ate. He had it everywhere.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My Sweet Boys

I had quite the surprise on Valentine's Day. In addition to making me breakfast, Kyle and Henry gave me a "Mommy Day" package including a much-needed massage and movie tickets. Henry is a big boy and loves to be held. My back will greatly appreciate the massage on Saturday, but I think I'll save the movie tickets for an upcoming date night with Kyle.
Henry had his four month appointment on Tuesday. He weighs 17 pounds and is 26 inches long. He's in the 75th percentile for both categories. When the nurse weighed him, she said, "That's one chunky baby!" We prefer to think he's just really healthy. :)

My two favorite boys on Thanksgiving.
Henry with two of his favorite toys.
Our "healthy" baby loves to eat. He's trying to get to the bottle before we can get the cap off of the top.

From this morning...He still loves the jumpy and has started to play the keyboard. The dogs are now more freaked out than ever.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Four Months Old!

Henry is already four months old. The original plan was for me to go back to work part-time on January 5, but before Christmas, Kyle and I decided it would be best for Henry if I stayed at home with him. Henry and I are having so much fun together. Below are some of my favorite pictures, and of Henry's favorite activities, from the past month.

Henry has gotten soooo big.

Henry plays on his activity mat every morning. These overalls are currently his (my) favorite outfit. They are size nine months...big boy!

Henry has started to play in his exersaucer. Brooks isn't too sure about the exersaucer, but he loves Henry. He wants to be where Henry is.
In the last couple of weeks, Henry has started to chew on everything.

Henry and I waving at the camera.

Henry loves his green monster hat. It's been very warm this winter.

Kyle working with Henry on rolling over.

Bedtime! Henry sleeps for 12 hours now. It's wonderful. I was getting ready to watch the 3-D Grammy's...that's why I'm wearing the glasses. Funny, though, I missed the 3-D performance.

Henry loves when Daddy comes home. This is another favorite outfit right now. It has monkeys on his toes, and he thinks the monkeys are too cool.

He's finally figured out the exersaucer on his own. Loves it!