Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Henry's First Swim

Henry LOVES the pool! It took him a little while to get used to it, but after a couple of visits, he doesn't want to get out of the water. When the pool opened more than two weeks ago, I was so excited to take him. After taking four hours to get the swim bag packed, the swim diaper on, the sunscreen on, the cooler packed, etc... Henry fell asleep on our three minute walk to the pool. And, he stayed asleep for an hour. Kyle and I waited patiently for him to wake him, and when he did, I dunked his little toes in the water. He screamed. So, I dunked the toes in the water again. He screamed again. Needless to say, we determined our first trip to the pool was a bust.

Fast forward to Saturday. The kid couldn't get enough pool time. He stayed in the water all day long. Looks like we'll spending a lot of time at the pool this summer. :)

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear Henry is a water-babe! Enjoy your days at the pool! :-)
