Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Luck of the Irish...

And the help of the Man Upstairs. Henry had has tonsils removed yesterday. Of course, we were worried, but the surgery went well and he couldn't have had better care. We were scheduled to spend the night in the hospital, but he did so well that we were able to come home last night. He's on some serious pain medicine and lots of pudding and ice cream, but his normal, happy personality returned quickly. It didn't hurt that Daddy made sure Henry had an Elmo balloon for him when he returned from surgery. Henry wouldn't let go of the balloon all day.
Daddy fed Henry some pudding. It was YUMMY!

Still enjoying the pudding....and the balloon.


Henry wants YOU to have a Happy St. Patrick's Day! (Actually, he was pointing at the camera because he wanted to take the picture.)

The weather in Atlanta has turned to spring. It's awesome! Kyle and I took Henry to Zoo Atlanta on Saturday. Thanks Mom & Dad for the Zoo Pass. :) Henry and Kyle are checking out the gorillas in this picture.

Zoo Atlanta has a really cool petting zoo. It took Henry a while to warm up to the animals, but by the end of our time there, he was snuggling with the goats.

It's hard to tell from this picture, but this goat put his hoof on Henry's leg. Henry thought it was pretty cool.

He liked the sheep, but kept calling all of the animals "daw" (dog in Henry-speak).

Just warming up and getting used to the goats.

Kyle and I got Henry a Zoo Keeper's hat from the San Diego Zoo.

He still can't quite figure out how it works....

....but we know he loves hats. Especially when his buddy, Jack, wears them.

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